9 Things You Shouldn’t Say to Someone Living With a Chronic Illness


Everyone has an opinion, and everyone knows someone who is friends with someone that has a certain disease because they did something or took something. Well, it’s not quite like that. It just might happen that some people, who are unfamiliar with your health condition, may think that you developed your illness because of something you did.

Though it’s true that there are certain risk factors associated with pretty much all health conditions, that does not mean that you played any role in developing it.

Find out how fibromyalgia affects the everyday life of one patient.


  1. Renee W says:

    I have been told I am not really sick, that I can change it if I want to. That I am not trying hard enough to. I have been told by now with all the doctors I have seen I should be better. I get the loose weight comment too, but I was normal weight when I started to get it. I am in treatment for Lyme disease by my primary doesn’t believe that I should be. I have to try something. I have arthritis too but everyone says I am too young to have it so they don’t believe me. I am so sick of all of it. No one gets it. I miss a lot of events because I don’t feel well. I don’t have a lot of friends here and I am kind of isolated. I just got divorced because of the illness and the things I can not do and that he doesn’t believe me when I say I am in pain or too tired. I have several illnesses. I have chronic pain from other issues. I wish people would understand and not judge people with fibromyalgia. I heard on tv the other night that people who have fibro and ADHD decide they have it and made it sound like its fake. My son has ADHD. I wish to find a cure or a better life. I want to eat better but going gluten free is hard. Well, I am going to learn Reiki and hope it helps. Please keep supporting us.

    • Tim Bossie says:

      Thank you for the heartfelt comment Renee. You are absolutely right… people simply do not understand if they do not have a chronic pain. One of the worst things to hear is “You are not trying hard enough.” I hope you are able to find some relief soon through different activities. Diet is a major component, but like you said… it can be difficult! 🙂

  2. Em says:

    I would not want anyone to understand the way myself and many here do have difficulties-all I truly want/ need is acceptance rather than using my illness as a reason to be excluded.
    O believe I have developed an attitude and just take things too personally-anyone else understand how this feels??

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