Your Best Practices Are the Ones That Make Life Easier

Your Best Practices Are the Ones That Make Life Easier

Comparing ourselves to others, whether they’re healthy or share our illness, is a bad habit. We each have good and bad days, differing degrees of symptoms, and different levels of tolerance. We need to just focus on ourselves and identify things we can do or change to make our life the best that it can be — our best practices, if you will. We shouldn’t worry about what others think of us.

That is why I’m always looking for life hacks that will simplify my daily life with fibromyalgia. Lots of people share their hacks on the internet. I have my own best practices, and I hope that one or two of them will work for you.

For instance, I make a manageable to-do list of no more than 10 items. My goal is to get at least one done each day. A sample list looks like this:

  1. Dust blinds
  2. Laundry
  3. Read for 30 minutes
  4. Make a doctor appointment
  5. Call my sister
  6. Clean the litter box
  7. Make a grocery list
  8. Clean mirrors
  9. Text my kids
  10. Fill ice cube container

I have a really helpful container that has a handle and six compartments. When I move to another room, I put the things I need to take with me in it: my cellphone, my reading glasses, a few cough drops, some lip balm, etc. I can carry it in one hand while I use my cane in the other hand. It saves making multiple trips and it keeps everything in one handy place.

I always keep a soft blanket within reach when I’m lying down or sitting in my recliner. Sometimes I need the AC on, but my legs get cold. In the winter, I’m always cold and love to snuggle under a soft blanket.

The laundry area is off the kitchen, so I can always hear when the washer or dryer stops. I used to get clothes out of the dryer, folded or hung up, and put away soon after. Now they may sit in the dryer for a day or so. I just use the wrinkle release option before taking them out. They may also sit on my bed for awhile before I have the energy to fold them and put them away.

When I get mail, I go through it right away, discarding what I don’t need and putting bills and other important items in their proper place. I can’t stand when clutter accumulates and I can’t find things I need in a timely manner. Handle it once and be done with it.

I would love to hear about the things you do that make your fibro life easier. Please share them in the comments below.


Note: Fibromyalgia News Today is strictly a news and information website about the disease. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. The opinions expressed in this column are not those of Fibromyalgia News Today, or its parent company, BioNews Services, and are intended to spark discussion about issues pertaining to fibromyalgia.


  1. Teresa Emerick says:

    I run a local support group and constantly recommend getting organized, simplified, and staying that way. Not always easy, but if you keep up on it, it does make life much easier.

    I touch mail once. Bills go into bill drawer, magazines and catalogs that I am interested in go into a pile to look over last, and junk mail gets pitched immediately.

    I try to go thru the catalogs first in case I want to order anything. Then I pitch them. I keep magazines for a day when I have time or am bored and in need of something easy to do.

    Keeping things organized is difficult if the entire family isn’t on the same page, so I try to keep my own little areas organized all the time, and clean/pick up the rest of the home as I walk thru.

    I also try to keep on a fairly strict schedule for sleeping and getting up in the morning. If I have a night that I am up all night, I try my best to stay up and busy all the next day so I can sleep that night and not get off schedule. I have a bedtime routine that helps me to remember what I need to do.

    I also keep a list beside my chair and on my phone. Adding shopping items, and checking off things as I get them done. I keep my schedule on my phone, copy it to a calendar in the livingroom, and have a small paper one in my purse. I check to make sure all 3 are the same before going to bed, to make sure of what I have going on the next day.

    I always keep my keys in my purse, and my purse beside my chair. Always having it in the same place keeps me from losing it later. Extra keys and chargers are kept in one place…always!

    Having a designated place for things I use often keeps me from hunting for things when I need them. And sticking to a routine helps me remember what I have and haven’t done.

  2. Marsha A. Rodriguez says:

    I put things in the same place ie my keys always in the same pocket in my purse, I have numerous wall calendars, iPhone reminder apps & most of all I have been decluttered my home, jewelry, pictures in franes etc. For me less is much better. Having my home with tons of decorative items is no longer important. Even my clothes & shoes are limited. This is much better for me but it’s been a challenge to decluttered the home of a former shop- alcoholic!

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