The Attack Plan for Treating My Head Pain

The Attack Plan for Treating My Head Pain

Christine Tender Points

Almost every fibromyalgia patient I know suffers from migraine headaches. I’m fortunate to be one of the exceptions. However, I’ve had my share of various other types of headaches. I once had a tension headache that lasted for three weeks.

Recently, I’ve had a particularly painful type of headache called occipital neuralgia. It came on suddenly. I awoke one morning feeling like I’d been branded while I was sleeping. I had a searing pain in the back of my head in a spot the size of a dime. The pain has since migrated down to the bottom of my skull and shoots up to the top of my scalp. It began over a month ago, and it’s been with me ever since.

After a head and neck surgeon — formerly known as an ear, nose, and throat specialist — ruled out a sinus issue as the cause, I’ve been prescribed conservative treatments such as anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, heat, massage, and acupuncture. The next step would be a trigger point injection into the nerves at the base of the skull, but I’m hopeful the pain will resolve before then.

During the last four painful weeks, I’ve educated myself about this type of headache, hoping to prevent a recurrence. What I’ve learned is that occipital neuralgia is related to myofascial pain syndrome, which is related to fibromyalgia, which seems to be the originator of all of it. Although there is no cure and no way to completely ensure prevention, there are things one can do to reduce the number of occurrences.

One is aerobic exercise. I’ve scoped out the local health clubs, looking for one with a swimming pool warm enough for my comfort. I once was an avid swimmer. It looks like I’m about to become one again. In addition, I’ll be seeing a physical therapist. Although I already do some form of stretching every day, I need to be sure that I’m reaching the muscles involved in my upper back and neck from where this pain is originating. I also need someone to evaluate the way in which I sit and stand. Poor posture can contribute to occipital headaches.

I’ll also be modifying my diet to one suggested for patients with any type of chronic pain. I have to admit that I’ve overindulged my sweet tooth lately. So, I’ll be eating less sugar and adding more protein in order to feel satisfied without it. Regardless of what happens with my occipital neuralgia, at least I’ll have improved my nutritional profile while I’m awaiting a cure.


Note: Fibromyalgia News Today is strictly a news and information website about the disease. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. The opinions expressed in this column are not those of Fibromyalgia News Today, or its parent company, BioNews Services, and are intended to spark discussion about issues pertaining to fibromyalgia.


  1. Laurie Zubritsky says:

    The Arthritis Foundation has a list of swimming pools that keep their temperature at 86 degrees in order to qualify for water exercise classes that get their seal of approval. My local YMCA is certified. I only swim laps but I could no longer swim in the standard cold temps most pools have.
    They have a list by state. It may be easier to call your local chapter.

  2. Jesse Rodriguez says:

    I have Fibromyalgia and Occipital Neuralgia and Tinnitus and damaged vertebrates and Sinus problems. I live my life walking a high wire. I can go from tolerable pain levels to pain that I am not sure I can stand. Cigarette smoke and diesel smoke are the two worst triggers. I get headaches I can barely tolerate. Sometimes the weather triggers Fibromyalgia and other times it’s the Occipital Neuralgia triggered by the smoke particulates that start the chain reaction. Why don’t they outlaw ciggarettes? I bet if you take opioids, car wrecks, mass shootings, and accidents and I bet Cigarettes kill more people and make so many more suffer needlessly.

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