A Crash Course in CBD Oil, Part 1

A Crash Course in CBD Oil, Part 1

finding balance

Since my column “Easing My Pain With CBD Oil” was published a few weeks ago, I’ve received a lot of emails and comments with questions about this mystical oil. I thought it best to write another column to provide information and resources. But just one post won’t do this subject the justice. So, this is the first of two columns explaining CBD oil in more detail. I hope I am able to provide you with enough data to help get you started.

First, let’s begin by explaining exactly what CBD, or cannabidiol, is. It is “a cannabis compound that has significant medical benefits, but does not make people feel ‘stoned’ and can actually counteract the psychoactivity of THC,” according to Project CBD, a nonprofit educational news service. Cannabinoids, such as THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), interact with receptors in the body to produce a wide range of effects that can include the feeling of getting stoned or high. Technically, according to the CBD Project, it “acts through various receptor-independent channels — for example, by delaying the ‘re-uptake’ of endogenous neurotransmitters (such as anandamide and adenosine) and by enhancing or inhibiting the binding action of certain G-coupled protein receptors.” I am not going to go into depth regarding the science and how it works in our bodies, but for a very good explanation, please visit the LeafScience website.

Purchasing CBD oil for the first time can be a little intimidating. First, you need to know the difference between isolate and full spectrum. Full-spectrum CBD includes all the cannabinoids that are present in the hemp plant. This can also include small amounts of THC. Isolate means that the CBD has been separated from the other cannabinoid compounds and it is in its purest form. Keep in mind that you may test positive for THC if you consume full-spectrum CBD products. If you work in an industry that conducts drug tests, you might want to stick with an isolate. You may also want to use an isolate if you’ve had problems with THC in the past or if you are in a medical program that doesn’t allow you to use narcotics. I personally use full spectrum, but I don’t have to worry about drug tests.

Now we need to figure out what form of CBD to buy. You can get CBD in edible form, suppositories, powder, topicals, oil, spray, gum, and capsules. The oil, or tinctures, is the main method I use, but I’ve also tried a topical that worked wonders. Some prefer the capsule form, as the taste of the tinctures can be quite awful, especially if you buy pure hemp oil. If you aren’t sure what form is best for you, purchase samples in a few different forms to help you decide. If you avoid added sugars, like I do, you will want to stay away from most gummies and some of the other edibles. Label reading is required with CBD oil, too!

One thing to be very wary of are the many scams out there. If you see an offer for “free” samples (with or without a small shipping fee), beware, because there is usually a catch in the small print that signs up you up for a subscription. You will start seeing a monthly charge on your credit card statement. You won’t be able to get through to customer service and you will probably receive a poor-quality product to boot. There are very few CBD companies, if any, that will give out a high-quality sample for free.

In my next post, I will go over dosing instructions, review some of the many brands and their differences, as well as discuss discounts that some companies offer for low-income and disabled customers.

In the meantime, if you have any questions or would like to read more about CBD oil, please check out the website All CBD Oil Benefits. Aaron has done a great deal of research and has tested many brands of CBD products. I think you will find his website a great resource, especially for those new to CBD oil.


Note: Fibromyalgia News Today is strictly a news and information website about the disease. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. The opinions expressed in this column are not those of Fibromyalgia News Today or its parent company, BioNews Services, and are intended to spark discussion about issues pertaining to fibromyalgia.


  1. Najla says:

    Very good information for people starting to get familiar with the medicinal uses of mj. I have been using CBD oil in the past year. It works pretty well as long as I am not having an awful flare , and I am only dealing with “regular” level of pain that really does not bother me too much. I first tried it on a vape, and it worked ok.
    I found out later that a mix of CBD and THC works the best for my bad flares. I recently found a liquid form of CBD and THC that can be used in different ways from vape to edibles: as they are isolates, they are sold in separate, so I can vary the CBD/THC ratio. I mix them in a smoothie, with ratio CBD/THC varying depending on how much pain I have (the more pain the more THC I get) . I avoid high amounts of THC because I do not like to get high.
    I also use a topic CBD lotion, and it helps me a lot when I have low to moderate pain.
    People react differently to meds, so I would recommend people to start small, and increase as you feel it´s better for you, especially when mixing CBD and THC.
    I am lucky to live in California, where cannabis has been recently legalized for all people over 21 without a prescription, so I do not get worried if my employer will test me for it, as it is not considered an illicit drug anymore. I also have a med mj prescription, but it is always better (at least for me) to know that what I am doing is completely legal.

  2. Sharon says:

    Australia have started growing it, and i believe patients with cancer are the only ones so far allowed it, and they need to be in hospital.Doctors here wont even listen to me, regarding it.Everyone is crying out to try it for our pain.

  3. The best full spectrum CBD is found naturally contained in the cannabis plant, more specifically the flowering tops of the cannabis sativa and cannabis indica plants, better known as Marijuana. It is a shame that we have to find workarounds to experience the medicinal qualities of this plant as was better known as a medicine than a dangerous drug up until about 80 years ago. There is nothing at all dangerous about this plant. Slowly, we are changing state laws, hopefully, a descheduling and re-regulation will help make this plant as medicine available once again, without the risk of a prison sentence.

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