I’m Thankful for Community Caregivers and the Devices that Help Me on My Journey

I’m Thankful for Community Caregivers and the Devices that Help Me on My Journey

Through the Fog

Over the past year or so, I’ve had to rely more often on my cane and walker. I have a hard time getting my head around the fact that I now depend on medical equipment to help me get around because my body can no longer perform the way it used to. I admit that at times I find it embarrassing.

Some days my arthritic right hip makes it difficult to walk. I limp, and I have to be mindful of careful stepping when I’m going upstairs or downstairs. If I don’t remember to lead with the bad leg, it’s more painful than it needs to be. My cane comes in handy here as a visual reminder to step correctly. I’ve had occasions when I wasn’t paying attention, and I fell. Fortunately, only my pride was hurt. I’m so thankful that my husband was around to help me get back up.

It’s scary for me to think about falling when my husband is not home because I can’t get back up on my own. One way we are dealing with this issue is by using an Echo Connect. We have it connected to our phone line, and if I find myself in a tough situation, like falling, I can have Alexa call 911. Although I can have Alexa call people in my contacts, you need Echo Connect to contact emergency services.

I have significant muscle weakness in both of my legs, mostly due to deconditioning. I can tell as soon as I get up in the morning whether I will need my walker for the day. In my small town, there’s a nonprofit called Community Caregivers. They lend medical equipment such as walkers, canes, wheelchairs, shower chairs, etc. You can borrow items for as long as you need in return for a donation of any size. I’ve had my walker now for two years. I use it when we go to the library because it has a basket in front where I can place the books I want to take out. It also has a pocket for my cellphone and a place for my water bottle. Community Caregivers has a staff of volunteers, including my husband, who drive people to appointments and take them grocery shopping. I believe that every town could benefit from a nonprofit like this. 

While I don’t like depending on medical equipment and technological devices, I’m really thankful to have them when I need them. Do you have devices or equipment that you depend on for your health and quality of life? 


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