Chances are you know someone who has an invisible illness. An invisible illness means that a person is suffering from an illness or disease which isn’t necessarily visible on the outside. However, just because you can’t see what’s wrong doesn’t mean that there isn’t anything wrong.
People with invisible illnesses often need just as much practical and emotional support as those with illnesses you can see, but sometimes it can be difficult to know how to help. We’ve put together a list of things you should know about someone with an invisible illness based on information from
Don’t assume they’re faking their disability.
Just because someone has a disabled sticker in their car doesn’t necessarily mean they’re wheelchair-bound. Many people have these stickers because they need oxygen to get around or are waiting for organ transplants. Yes they might be able to walk, but they might not be able to walk very far and even a short distance can take a lot of effort.
When one has an invisible illness one becomes invisible. A horrific fact and feeling.
Unfortunately true.
Yes, but still tolerable. Thanks Tim
Oh, Em, this is SOOOO true. Have you noticed how even in a group, if people know you have an illness, nobody asks what you’ve been up to..but they will ask everyone else. Yup. Invisible. Been there, done that, still doing it. Hope you have a good life regardless
I don’t feel invisible but I do feel misunderstood at times
Misunderstood. Yes… very much.
Um…while this is all well and good…you have to have people who are willing and able to stick around for the ‘good’ days after you’ve had months of bad ones. They finally just stop asking.
Thank you Sandra. I do still have a good life. I believe people react as they do out of ignorance and their own insecurities. They do cease asking or coming around. They don’t know what to do or say and when I am present I can feel their uneasiness. The way it is-can;t change it, can’t fix it.
Hurting a lot today so will sip my ginger tea and snuggle up w/ my rice bag. weather change coming-a living, breathing barometer. Doppler has nothing on this old timer.
I too hope you have a good enough life. Hoping to be able to work on a watercolor once I get warm on the inside. Currently the only thing not hurting are my earlobes.
Blessings, Em
I understand everything you’re all saying. It’s pretty isolating. Thankful for people like you that “get it.”