Tips to Help You Enjoy the Holidays

Tips to Help You Enjoy the Holidays

Through the Fog

Once again the holidays are upon us. We could all use some tips on how to navigate them more easily. Sometimes just thinking about Christmas preparations and all that’s involved makes me want to hibernate until spring. I’m hopeful that the following tips will be helpful to you this year:

Ask for help: If you’re hosting Christmas dinner suggest that each guest bring a dish. That will free you up to make something simple and focus on your company. Let them know up front how much you appreciate them coming and making your job easier.

Keep it simple: To maintain a semblance of sanity, I encourage you to simplify. Why not draw names with your guests so each person is responsible for one gift only. Send e-cards to save time and postage. Put up decorations that you love; it will make it easier when it’s time to take them down. Make people your priority.

Practice self-care: Whatever you do, don’t neglect self-care — and that includes taking time to rest. Make sure you have enough meds for the days your doctor’s office will be closed. Dress for comfort, keep makeup minimal, and use dry shampoo. Have a sponge bath if it’s easier than getting in and out of the tub. I keep my hair super short so I can wash it using a wet facecloth with a squirt of baby shampoo and rinse it with a clean cloth. 

Save energy: Use pretty paper plates, napkins, and cups to save on doing dishes. If I lived alone, I would use only paper products or disposable aluminum pans for cooking. I’d rather use my energy for eating and for the things I enjoy.

Control sugar: I know those cookies, fudge, and other Christmas delights are tempting — but control yourself. All of that sugar will increase the inflammation in your body, which in turn will increase your pain and decrease your energy. I wrap cookies in packs of two and put them in the freezer to limit how many I can eat at a time. 

I would love to hear your ideas, too. Have a very merry Christmas, Hanukkah, or whatever holiday you celebrate at this time of year!


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