Susan Ingebretson, a fibromyalgia patient and author of the best-selling book “FibroWHYalgia,” will host a free webinar this month to share her story about her path to improving fibromyalgia symptoms.
The webinar, supported by GeneFo, is titled, “Strategies for Reducing Symptoms with Sue Ingebretson,” and will take place at 1 p.m. EST on Nov. 29, 2017.
Ingebretson experienced debilitating fatigue and pain that made it impossible to maintain an adequate quality of life, even after visiting doctors and taking available medical treatments. So, she set out on her own to research ways of making a holistic and significant improvement in her life with fibromyalgia. Eventually, she ended up writing a book about what she had always looked for to manage her own condition.
In the upcoming webinar, Ingebretson will tell her story, review natural treatments, explain what is currently lacking in most patients’ attempts at recovery, and present a work plan called “restoration trio,” a practical and realistic work plan to maintain a lifestyle that can improve fibromyalgia symptoms over time.
According to Ingebretson, studies on nonpharmacologic therapies and lifestyle changes for fibromyalgia management have shown that a multidisciplinary approach offers better healthcare outcomes, and that patient engagement in the care process is essential.
Nonetheless, fibromyalgia is still not fully understood and researched by healthcare professionals outside of academic circles. In fact, physicians often rely on traditional medical practices to treat the condition, and do not always seek the patient’s feedback, Ingebretson says.
Ingebretson worked to identify lifestyle changes that could help in the healing process of a chronically ill body and mind, from a perspective that professionals, as non-patients, do not necessarily have.
Ingebretson is a certified holistic healthcare practitioner and program director of the Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain Center at California State University. She also has a blog, where news and topics promoting positive lifestyle changes and healthy living are discussed.
To register for the live webinar or to receive its free video by email, please visit:
A copy of Ingebretson’s book, “FibroWHYalgia,” will be raffled off among participants in the webinar.
For more details about the webinar, please contact Adi Bein at: