7 Reasons Why You Should Exercise With Fibromyalgia

Exercise helps to strengthen muscles which leads to lower muscle and joint pain, fat burning, and increased energy and overall strength.

Discover 11 of the most common fibromyalgia symptoms.


  1. Susan Manning, BCRPA TFL, ACE, ACSM certified says:

    Good article. Short and sweet. As a Medical Exercise Specialist and Personal Trainer I have worked in the fitness industry for the past 36 years. Have competed in body building competitions, ran marathons and taught 3 – 4 Group Fitness classes per week. I was just recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in September and now start my own journey living with this syndrome. I know the benefits of exercise and therefore have continued to teach my classes either by modifying them or changing the type of class I teach. I also have a great instructor support system so if I wake up and it is a “bad FM day” I can call and my class will be covered. I am working on developing a class for those with FM (anyone can join in) which will cover movement, strength, stretching, myofacial release and meditation giving multiple level options. I am hoping to be able to help others through what I too am feeling.

  2. Erma says:

    We know our bodies and our pain and discomfort, let ask you this…. when you are down with the flu, do you still exercise? And if you have, I would like to ask you, it the flu never left, would you still exercise? What people don’t seem to get is that we deal and fight pain every day, our memory and eye sight, our hearing and even our mouth and taste is horrible; when I finally get a few hours of relief, the last thing I want to do is EXERCISE!! Please don’t talk the talk, walk along with us!!!

    • Grace from Australia says:

      I love to exercise but when I do it my pain always get worse. I just know that I have to pay the price when walking (which I love) or playing table tennis (which I also love) or swimming. Nothing is without paying the price.

  3. monique says:

    I do not know how severe is this gentlemen FM; I totally agree with him if you suffer of mild to moderate FM that I had for 7 years. I was keeping on doing a regular exercising. Unfortunately, I had to undergo a surgery and consequently my FM became so severe, I ended up in a wheel chair and then with rTMS it became moderate. However, the only limitation encountered was exercising, as we used to say, you have to pay the price after while and during flares up, do not even think doing anything else than expect the end of it. I have 27 years experience with FM, tried everything that could help me relieving my symptoms. The only exercises I can do outside the crises is walking (no more that 45 mn when I am in good shape) and swimming (15 minutes). A few stretching on the bed for 10 to 15 minutes. That’s all I can allow myself, and of course, not every day.
    I used to feel guilty not being able to do more, but now, not anymore, just do whatever your body can stand but don’t do anything you’ll pay the price after while. It is not a question of lack of will, our doctors should understand it.
    Just remember that you are heroes to be able to face this pain day after day , year after year, it is an endless fight no one can understand if he or she did not experience it.

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